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Sound Foundations 01 - /ʌ/ |

Foto do escritor: Stanley B.Stanley B.

Atualizado: 26 de jul. de 2024

Hey language enthusiasts! Welcome back to our Podcast, Intense Tips, where we make language learning fun and exciting! I'm Susan, and you're listening to our special segment, Sound Foundations!

Today, we're diving into a very interesting sound: the ʌ sound! You'll find this sound in many common English words. By the end of this episode, you'll be a pro at pronouncing it!

Before we get started, remember that you can find the transcription and all written materials for this episode on our website at . That's Got it? Great!

Alright, let's get started with Activity 1: Practicing individual words. I'll say a word, and I want you to repeat after me. I'll give you some time to practice each one. Ready? Let's go!

Activity 1: Word Practice

  1. But: mas, porém, exceto

  2. Cut: cortar, corte, reduzir

  3. Cup: copo, xícara, troféu

  4. Sun: sol, bronzear-se, expor ao sol

  5. Up: para cima, acima, de pé

  6. Just: apenas, justo, exatamente

  7. Run: correr, executar, operar

  8. Mud: lama, barro, sujo

  9. Love: amor, adorar, apreciar

  10. Luck: sorte, fortuna, acaso

Awesome! Keep practicing those words to get more comfortable with the ʌ sound. Now, let’s move on to Activity 2: Using these words in sentences. I'll say each sentence twice. The first time, just listen. The second time, repeat after me. Ready? Here we go!

Activity 2: Sentence Practice

  1. He cut the paper into small pieces. | Ele cortou o papel em pequenos pedaços.

  2. She poured coffee into her favorite cup. | Ela serviu café em sua xícara favorita.

  3. The sun sets behind the mountains. | O sol se põe atrás das montanhas.

  4. We need to get up early tomorrow. | Precisamos acordar cedo amanhã.

  5. Just give me one more chance. | Apenas me dê mais uma chance.

  6. They run every morning in the park. | Eles correm todas as manhãs no parque.

  7. The children were playing in the mud. | As crianças brincavam na lama.

  8. They fell in love at first sight. | Eles se apaixonaram à primeira vista.

  9. With a bit of luck, we’ll finish on time. | Com um pouco de sorte, terminaremos a tempo.

Fantastic! Keep practicing these sentences, and you'll notice how much more natural the ʌ sound becomes.

That’s all for today’s episode of Sound Foundations. I hope you had fun practicing the ʌ sound with me! Remember to check out our website at for the transcription and more practice materials. Keep practicing, stay curious, and I'll see you next time!


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